Morgan Von Gunten Copywriting Breakdown and Remix
In this post I’m going to break down Morgan Von Gunten’s copywriting in this email she recently sent out to the Crash newsletter.
She starts out talking about the work she’s doing with Crash. She’s creating empathy and showing that there’s an actual person on the other side of the email that wants to help and is genuine.
She’s showing how she talks with Mitchell, the other person on the face of a lot of the content that they put out with Crash. Showing that this is a smaller operation and that they’re working on a lot of the same problems that someone trying to kickstart their career are working on.
She is humanizing herself and showing that she is experiencing many of the same struggles that people using crash experience. Positioning herself as someone who’s going to share her insights along the way, rather than an all-knowing marketing guru who has all the answers. This is important because it sets up expectations for future emails and makes it easier to reach out and further build the relationship one has with Crash.
Then the way Morgan ends off the email is the perfect implementation of some of the ideas in Seth Godin’s book Tribes. She is building a community and is offering an easy way for people to communicate back and build rapport with Crash. I personally emailed back and got a reply within a short amount of time and now I feel more compelled to open future emails from Crash/Morgan and I feel a stronger connection to the product being offered.
My take
Meditation is hard.
I’ve been meditating consistently for over 4 years and still have trouble sitting still for longer than 25 minutes. But that’s the thing.
Meditation isn’t about reaching any final destination in which we’re fully enlightened and have tons of wisdom. NO.
Meditating is about learning how to enjoy the process and experience every moment a little more deeply. It’s not about calming our minds and spending our lives on the cushion, instead, it’s about experiencing life with more depth and thus living a more content and happier life.
I’m no expert and don’t claim to be. There are tons of people with more practice under their belt, but the problem is sometimes it can be hard to relate to those people. Yes, they know more about meditation, but they also have a completely different perception of life. How they view their past progress may be completely different than how it actually occurred.
As someone who’s also going through the same struggles as you are in becoming conscious and living a more holistic life, I’ll write about my struggles and hurdles I have to overcome in real-time.
And at the end of the day, I don’t expect this to be your only source of consciousness and developing your mind. In fact, I don’t want it to be. I promote having a diverse range of sources on this journey and I hope I can be one of the sources that you use to elevate your state of mind and perception of the world.